Achieve More Than You Ever Thought Possible!
Succeed Wildly in College” is written for college students and high school seniors who want the most out of their college education, far beyond what they thought was even possible for them. Big promise? Yes, but Professor Leis has made such a difference in the lives of thousands of student in his ‘mini-lectures’ that are contained in this book. Its format lends itself to inspirational/self-help reading or as a college course.
You Can Be More Successful in College Than You Ever Thought Possible!
The inspiring, humorous but very pointed talks by Professor Leis captured in this
book have changed thousands of lives for his students, some in dramatic ways. He reveals three major principles that have been proven to have dramatic effects for his students from all over the world, both in college and in their careers after graduating. For those who apply them, the H.O.T concept, the “Do 27 Not 25” method, and the fourteen HOT Resolutions outlined inside to everything in their lives, they will discover a life for themselves that is richer and more fulfilling than they ever thought possible. The sooner a student applies these techniques and the philosophy of “Do 27 Not 25” to their lives the greater the impact on:
- Improved Grades
- Greater Sense of Fulfillment
- Stronger Resume
- Faster Promotions at Work
- More Joy and Happiness
- Decreased Stress & Anxiety
- Eliminate the Reasons for Dropping Out
- Better Job Skills
- Greater Self Confidence
- Growth in Leadership Traits
This book was written for all college students, in particular freshmen, and high school seniors who have the sense that they have more capability, higher aspirations and a longing to do more than perhaps others know, even their closest friends and family.
The book is organized as a set of 14 inspirational and humorous talks written in a first person dialogue with a student. There is one chapter for each week of a semester, with a particular “Habit of Thought” to focus on for the week with a set of HOT Points at the end to help them start making the decisions that will affect their college success, future and career. Then there is a “HOT” Resolution to help them make a commitment for their future success. Short and easily digestible by the busy college student, the book also has a companion workbook to reinforce the success principles, provide space for notes and keep their dreams, goal and HOT Point answers and HOT Resolutions private.