You Can Be More Successful in College Than You Ever Thought Possible!

The inspiring, humorous, but very pointed classroom talks by professor David Leis captured in this book have changed thousands of lives for his students from all over the world.  If you apply the principles outlined inside, you will discover a life for yourself that is richer and more fulfilling than you ever thought possible including:

  • Improved Grades
  • Greater Sense of Fulfillment
  • Enhanced Self Confidence
  • Decreased Stress and Anxiety
  • Healthier Relationships
  • Better Job Skills
  • Faster Promotions at Work
  • More Joy and Happiness
  • Growth in Leadership Traits

This book is an unapologetic attack on mediocrity and accepting average results for yourself, settling for less than achieving your full potential. It is an invitation to make a few small decisions to think differently, change your habits of thought, and change the trajectory and outcome of your life, to make your hopes and dreams come alive with real world tools. Take these small steps now to make strides in realizing your unfulfilled potential.


“David Leis has written a valuable guide for college students to learn how to achieve more of their potential and if internalized over fourteen weeks, can change the course of a person’s life. David’s guide can benefit serious students of life at any age. Those who follow the clear path that David has laid out may very well realize that this will be one of the most important books they have ever read.”

               – Ed Gaffney, two-time All-American, soccer and baseball, Hofstra University

“I’ve learned so much from you and I know I will take all the lessons with me for the rest of my life. It was always just what I needed to get me through the week. I’m so thankful for everything you did and taught me.”

               – Apryl C., Freshman, New York

“You made a huge impact on me and my experience in college. I have changed my approach to study and participation in campus activities. My grades are higher than I ever thought I could achieve.”

               – Marcel F., Junior, United States and Germany

“The things professor Leis taught me have had a huge impact on my life! I was a stocking clerk in a drugstore while I was in college. But I made such an impression on both the manager and one of the district managers from a supplier, that one day, the DM asked me if I would be interested in joining his company. Great salary, benefits, company car, and a cell! That only happened because of the lessons professor Leis taught me.”

               – John C., sophomore, New York